Superman Hyperextensions

Superman Hyperextensions

Overview How to perform the superman hyperextension. Major muscles involved Spinal erectors, Glutes, Rear deltoids. Your First Session is FREE For online personal trainingwith Mark Hill Learn...
Superman Hyperextensions

Side plank lifts

Overview How to perform side plank lifts. Muscles involved Internal / external obliques, Spinal erectors. Your First Session is FREE For online personal trainingwith Mark Hill Learn...
The core explained

The core explained

Overview A basic description and understanding of the muscles of the CORE. Your First Session is FREE For online personal trainingwith Mark Hill Learn...
Superman Hyperextensions

Modified Plank

Overview How to perform the “modified plank”. Muscles involved Transverse abdominals, rectus abs, Psoas. Your First Session is FREE For online personal trainingwith Mark Hill Learn...
Full Body HIIT Circuit

Full Body HIIT Circuit

Overview This is a full-body HIIT workout. The routine is a combination of 10 compounds, isolation, and cardio exercise to make up a full-body workout that improves strength, movement, agility, and muscular endurance. Repetition Repeat 10 exercises consecutively, rest...