mark hill

Being a personal trainer and nutrition consultant I have a slightly different outlook on fitness. Fitness to me is not about quick fixes, miracle pills, fit challenges, and beach body workouts.

I believe health and fitness must be a consistent, ever evolving, progressive part of your daily life, no matter your age, gender, or physical limitations.

The main focus of being physically fit should be to improve your health, fight aging, improve your physical and mental strength, and improve your quality of life. If overall body performance and health are your main focus the aesthetics will follow naturally, guaranteed.

As for me personally, fitness is my life, my passion. I’m doing what I love and this passion has given me a unique understanding of the body, its boundaries, and how to work to potentially overcome them and LIVE A FIT LIFE.

Personal Trainer

Nutrition consultant

Sport injuries specialist

This is my fit life

what will yours look like?

“You have one life, fucking live it. Your life is all you truly own. Make the most of it. Move, explore, and soak up every minute of it. To be truly successful in living this lifestyle you have to take care of your mind, your body, your soul. You have to get out there and make it happen. Live fit, live free!”

– Mark Hill

fit life

Personal training.anywhere.anytime


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For online personal training.